This event is a two-day graduate student conference hosted by the University of Chicago Departments of Romance Languages and Literatures and Art History. The conference will include five panels with presentations given by graduate students in addition to two keynote lectures given on Friday and Saturday. The conference seeks to examine the theme of Amor vincit omnia, or love as a motivator for the demise of the self in Italian arts and literature.
Friday, April 24th: 9.00amâ5.00pm: Cochrane Woods Art Center, 157
5540 S. Greenwood Ave.
5:30pm: Keynote Lecture: Giuseppe Mazzotta, Sterling Professor of Humanities in Italian, Yale University
The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1155 E 58th Street
Saturday, April 25th: 9.30amâ1.00pm: Cochrane Woods Art Center, 161
5540 S. Greenwood Ave.
12.00: Closing Lecture, Hendrik Dey, Professor of Art History, Hunter College
List of Presenter(s):
Keynote Lecture: Giuseppe Mazzotta, Sterling Professor of Humanities in Italian, Yale University
Closing Lecture: Hendrik Dey, Professor of Art History, Hunter College
List of Presenters:
Luis Lopez, Romance Languages and Literatures, Spanish, Harvard University
Cosette Bruhns, Romance Languages and Literatures, Italian, University of Chicago
Jessica Peritz, Dept. of Music, University of Chicago
Daniel Rogers, Musicology, Indiana University
Christine Zappella, Art History, University of Chicago
Sebastiano Bazzichetto, Italian, University of Toronto
Marion Beaufils, Arts et Langage, Ãcole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales
Sylwia Frach, Université Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle
Linda Mai Green, Art History, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Charles Heinrich, History, Loyola University Chicago
Emily Forden, History, University of Chicago
John Welsh, Romance Languages and Literatures, Italian, Harvard University
Allison Hadley, Italian Language and Literature, Yale University
Sophia Farmer, Art History, University of Wisconsin Madison
Maddalena Bergamin, Letteratura Italiana Contemporanea, Université Paris-Sorbonne
Sponsored by: The Franke Institute for the Humanities, the Norman Waite Harris Fund, the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Chicago, the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, the Department of Art History, the Center for Study of Gender and Sexuality, the Western Mediterranean Workshop, the Lumen Christi Institute
For more information, please contact: Taylor Dimke at
Starts: April 24, 2015
Ends: April 25, 2015
Time: All Day
Starts: April 24, 2015
Ends: April 25, 2015
Time: All Day